I was there on a Wednesday evening, 8pm-11 or so. Ten bucks to get in after 7pm and another 3 to park in the lot. 5 for a beer. The good news is the dancers are hot. I met a VERY LOVELY young stripper named Roxy--I really enjoyed talking to her. But the down side is that the lapdances are totally sterile--no contact. You can get more if you want to pay over 200 for VIP, but there's no middle ground. Ten bucks for a boring "lap" (I should say "air") dance or your whole damn wallet for the real thing in VIP. The atmosphere is alright--I had a good time. But I'm looking to get more for my buck. (I left, by the way, when I got up from my table for a couple minutes and came back to find my beer was gone and two dudes were at the table--my fault, I guess, but it wasn't that damned crowded.)
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