I work nearby Dupont/Supra Spa (this name differs depending on where you see the ad), so I've been a semi-regular there for some time now. I've never had a bad experience there, though please don't plan on going during the middle of the afternoon on a weekday, as it gets pretty busy. They have an ever-shifting assortment of friendly, hard-working, professional staffers of a variety of ages. I usually like young, cute girls since I'm young myself, but they will usually accomodate your tastes, keeping in mind that only a small handful of women actually work there at a given time. Sometimes when you're really lucky you'll find yourself partnered up with an absolutely amazing women who will give you a great time for your hard-earned money. Massages are forty to sixty bucks (.5 and full-hour), and services rendered cost anywhere from 60 to 100 dollars, though sometimes some women want more for full service. Pay in cash, don't bring extra and they won't try to get anything more than that out of you. These are standard business transactions, and I refuse to pay more than that!
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