The best thing about this club is that the girls are friends with each other. I saw dancers taking their regular customers to other dancers and getting them dances. Thats something I hadn't seen in other places. Its open late, so crowd gets in late and the later you stay the hotter the girls coming on stage. You get girls of all kind. Realistic average girls, girls who look like porn stars with breast implants. I saw a girl who looks like straight out of fitness magazine with muscles enough to join WWF and there was another girl who was on cover of GC magazine. I don't know how popular that magazine is but its still something. As per the lap dances, a lil tip.. get the dance only if the girl spends some time talking to you first. There are girls who just come and ask if u want a dance and if you say yes, they know you are easy and the dance is no more than what you see when they are dancing on stage. No point getting a personal lap dance, if its not gonna be any more than what you already seen on stage right? So yea first talk and then get the dance.. I like it that way... I like it more when the girl lets you touch.. (not all girls do).. So watchout for that too..
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