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Archibalds Review on 2003-11-13
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Archibalds   teleproductionsofdc@msn.com     202-737-2662
1520 K Street NW  Washington, CT
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Summarized Information:
Review Date:  2003-11-13
Short Desc:  worthless bitches
Overall Rating (10 is best):  1Cost:   $
Long Description:
This place is the worst club i've ever been to. The girls are rude and if you give them anything less than a 10 they'll get bitchy with you. Not even a smile from anyone that I saw. Pretty much if you don't arrive in a limo and have several thousand to spend don't bother. I saw 1 guy give the girl a dollar and she told him to get his cheap ass out. It was a sad place.
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