There are some nice looking girls there, but the VIP rooms stink. Like someone else said in their review, it's a hustle. The one I took in there was drunk off her ass and kept slurring her words asking for another hour. When I said no, that was it. She was off to another bank in the form of a customer. She was from Hawaii I believe she said, although she was so damned drunk, she probably would have said she was from Mars and believed it. I sure would've. Anyway, they charged me an extra 100 bucks on my credit card (which was stupid of me to use in the first place) and when I confronted the obnoxious, fat, no class, asshole, (insert word here) manager, he just basically said deal with it. I went back the next day demanding my money back, threatening to cause a little shit through certain entertainment channels (which I can) and he backed down and started being nice. We wouldn't want to lose a customer. Well, I never got my money back and they lost a customer. A BIG RIP folks. Save your cash for sober girls. Try ANY other place.
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