Short Desc: too espenive, every has an attuide, shark prices, more in detail section
Overall Rating (10 is best): 3
Cost: $35
Long Description:
Come on man, 25 to get in, 5 for a min drink and 5 for valet, 10 dollar dances are the only good thing, girls never talk to u, the mangers craig and steve are jerks and don;t give a crap unless your a 60 man with a ticking heart and a huge bank account. no one would i say go there, even on a weekday briana banks was there and it was still 25 to get in, don;t go there air dances to high of price, it;s even cheaper at spearmintrhino in vegas and they serve lobster tail, all the girls there go clubbing downtown, so you'll probably run into them if u go out dancing
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