Pretty cool club for Central MA. Kind of out of the way, but worth the trip in my mind. There's always been a cover when I've been there, but that's been weekend nights so that's expected. Not a great beer selection and drinks are of course pricey. They do have 'shooter girls', who can be fun..some of them are even better looking than some of the strippers. The room is a little small, and most 'table dances' take place in full view of the rest of the patrons...there is a VIP room which is sometimes used (when I bought my wife a lap dance that's where they took her). It's got a pretty couple friendly vibe, we never really got any funny looks or anything...actually we probably made the single guys more uncomfortable than they made us. It's not Las Vegas...but hey, for MA's pretty cool. No touching though..MA law I beleive
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