Short Desc: VERY BAD service...Will never step foot in another Starship store...
Overall Rating (10 is best): 1
Cost: $12
Long Description:
They have a good condom selection, suprisengly unlike Inserection...But the people there made me feel so uncomfortable that I didn't waste time looking at anything else. The salesgirl literally would follow me from aisle to aisle and just stand at the end of it watching me...Now you have to understand, I'm a 27 y/o white male, w/short brown hair, avg. build, wearing a polo shirt and jeans...about as unsuspicious looking as you get...
This was my second time at Starship and last time it was the same...I wouldn't have ever gone back, but I just figured it was a bad employee or something...Now I realize it must be the way the store wants their employees to be...Never going back!!!
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