Short Desc: Great Great Great and Did I Say Great?
Overall Rating (10 is best): 9
Cost: $160
Long Description:
This is a very convenient, inviting spa, and I've had almost exclusively great experiences here, having been an on-again, off-again customer since the summer of 2001. Once you're recognized as a regular, or even just a friendly face, you often given the privelage of working with some very nice, occasionally beautiful women. I've never had the gall to ask to see every womean available, but perhaps someone with more balls and a tendency to objectify a bit more would be comfortable with this. I kind of think that they wouldn't go for that at this joint, but that's just an assumption. Massages are generally good - something I value highly - and run forty to sixty dollars. Basic extras are another sixty dollars, more is eighty, and "everything" (what I always like to say) is $100. Most of the women who work here seem pretty experienced, and most are versed in English well enough to carry on a small-scale, chit-chatty conversation. Above all, everyone seems pretty healthy, and I like to know that they see doctors and take all the precautions in this line of business, if you know what I mean! As always, say that you've been there before, make up some random, doofy name and you'll get what you went there for. One final word: the most beautiful, youngest women I've ever worked with there, Hannah, was also the least enthusiastic about "everything," so your mileage may vary. Have fun!
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